
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Hey look! A new post! Amazing, huh? I must confess that I have not spent very much time reading blogs in recent much, nor have I even contemplated updating my own. Until now, that is, when I came across this lovely little award/tag from the beautiful and talented Everly Pleasant

This is called the "Honest Scrap Award", and basically, I am supposed to write 10 honest facts about myself and then tag 7 bloggers to do the same. So, here goes...

1. In my nearly 24 years of life, I have lived in 8 houses, 7 (soon to be 8) apartments, 2 dorms, and 1 orphanage (volunteering). These places of habitation are located across 2 countries, 4 states, and 7 cities.

2. I am a certified klutz; ask nearly anyone that has ever worked with me. My latest injury includes walking full-force into the sanitizer while transporting a container of disgusting bananas to their ultimate doom (the trash can).

3. Despite the many times that I have moved, I have managed to work for Starbucks for nearly 3 1/2 years now. Thank goodness for a job that allows me to transfer! I have worked at 4 different stores in 3 different states (and this is my second time at the store where I currently work).

4. I desperately miss my churches in Chicago (Grace Church of Dupage) and Tennessee (Grace Community Church) and am very much hoping that I've finally found a similarish church in Gainesville (time will tell).

5. I have a multi-colored family. And we love each other. Usually :) (Oh, and there are a bunch of us...if you ask me how many, I will have to stop and count. Very rarely am I actually able to tell you that I have...5 siblings without having to think about it.)

6. I went on my first mission trip to Haiti when I was 13 and immediately fell in love with the beautiful children. When I got back to the States, I knew that God's plan for my life involves Haiti, and though I don't know exactly how this will play out in the future, thus far it has meant 20+ trips, one semester of living/working in an orphanage, much failing (but hopefully learning from mistakes), irreplaceable friendships, lots of stories, laughter, many tears, seeing Jesus in the eyes of the Least of These, and countless blessings.

7. I love to laugh.

8. I love to read. Some of my happiest memories as a child are of summer days spent on the hammock in our backyard reading book after book after book. Recently, I've been reading some classic children's books (Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, Peter Pan), which has been fabulous.

9. My mom was one of my favorite people in the world, and I miss her more than words can say. She was the most loving, giving, selfless person I've ever known.

10. I am not a big fan of games, be they card games, board games, let's-get-to-know-each-other-games, etc, etc. However, I do very much enjoy Scrabble (yes, I'm a dork, I know) and Apples to Apples (particularly when playing with Caitlin, Caroline, Joe, and Mike).

Ok, so that's 10...and I won't admit how crazy-long that took me to write. But it's done. Yay.

So, for about:

Cheri Kay

Lovely Rita






And, if you're reading this on facebook, consider yourself tagged. Have fun!