
Monday, March 28, 2011


Birdie's 10th birthday - March 28, 2005

321. Forgiveness, and the freedom that comes with letting go of bitterness.
322. Lunch and pedicures with lovely friends on Sunday.
323. Attending a midweek service at the church that planted my church; so cool how "at home" I felt even though I didn't know hardly anyone there.
324. Seeing Jimmy Needham in concert.
325. Hanging out with friends at the park on Friday; while most people played ultimate frisbee, others of us ran around and had a magnificent time playing (yes, playing) on the exercise equipment things...
326. Tuesday was my first time ice skating since I injured my toe in January, and it went really well (and was lots of fun). Yay for finally getting back on the ice!
327. Babysitting (along with 3 college girls) a bunch of kids from church while their parents had a hilarious game night. Seriously, my church has THE cutest and most fun kids ever.
328. A wonderful time with one of my coworkers, getting my hair cut and then completely losing track of time while we visited.
329. Going on a walk with a friend from church, catching up on life since we've barely been able to see each other this semester.
330. Having coffee with another friend from church.
331. Finally getting to see my dear sister/friend/cousins for the first time in quite awhile.
332. God's grace in enabling me to not only be diligent in continuing to train for Run for Compassion but also (and especially!) in enabling me to ENJOY running. It's been amazing.
333. Spending time visiting with one of the church elders and his wife during the fellowship meal after church (pray for them; they're having their fourth baby today!).
334. Eating ice cream, right out of it's little pint-sized container (but no, I did not eat the whole thing at once).
335. My brother and sister-in-law's wedding pictures!!!
336. Hugs from friends.
337. Peace from God that unites hope for the future with contentment in the present.
338. My lifegroup. I love it. So wonderful to meet again after two weeks off for Spring Break (plus the week before SB I was out of town).
339. A lovely Sunday evening chat with dear Everly.
340. Celebrating this dear girl's 16th birthday today (wasn't it just yesterday we celebrated "double digits" in Haiti???).

Monday, March 21, 2011

So many blessings...

...that this week's list is twice as long :)

301. So proud of a friend who decided this week, after much prayer, to quit the band he's played in for several years in order to pursue God more fully. Such a hard decision, but one that I know God will bless and use for His glory.
302. glimmers of hope. and that's all I will say :)
303. Getting to see all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles on my mom's side of the family last week as we celebrated my grandfather's life and the fact that he is now with Jesus.
304. My pastor's consistency and boldness in preaching the Gospel; last night's sermon was really convicting (but in no way condemning). Lots to think and pray through as I seek to be obedient to the Lord.
305. So thankful that the team from my church that went to Guatemala
last week is back and that I've been able to see pictures and hear lots of stories of the Lord's faithfulness to them throughout their trip.
306. Especially thankful that this dear friend is home again; love her! :)
307. I finally made it over to Eyrie Park for a few hours Saturday night for the first time, really, in weeks (which is unacceptable); soooo enjoyed spending time talking and eating brownies with Everly and Birdie :)
308. Filling up a local restaurant after church Sunday evening, when about 1/3 of those who'd been at the service went there for dinner :)
309. Rollerskating/blading with several families/friends from church...complete with green beads and glow sticks for St. Patrick's Day.
310. Out of the mouths of babes... "I couldn't find my skates for a really long time...and then I looked in my underwear drawer." -Justus Bacak, age 6.
311. Starting to run again...for the first time since last summer :/ Trying to get ready for Run for Compassion; thankful that so far, the weather has been beautiful and I've actually been enjoying running.
312. The bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes are starting to come up! I love Spring in Texas!!!
313. Old family photos, seen for the first time in years.
314. Finishing up two really good books and starting a new one.
315. Good conversation with a friend/coworker in her big ol' truck :)
316. Getting to spend time with another lifegroup this week (since mine was off for spring break).
317. So thankful to have the opportunity to know several of the residents at Esperanza, with all their hugs, smiles, and stories (even those I've heard so often that I could tell them myself!). Love these people!
318. Seeing my best friend's wedding dress hanging in her room...eeek! :)
319. Coffee stickers as prayer reminders.
320. My new Haiti-made earrings.

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity
- Hosanna, Hillsong United

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Seven

My oh-so-lovely and super-talented cousin Everly has granted me this Stylish Blogger Award*, part of which entails writing seven random facts about myself. So, though I should probably be heading in the direction of my bed, let's see if I can [quickly] come up with any interesting, lesser-known tidbits about my life...

1. I loved, loved, loved American Girl dolls and their books when I was younger. My mom and I started reading the Kirsten series when I was in kindergarten, and then next year I got Kirsten for Christmas. In second grade, I saved up my money and bought Samantha, and then a few years later I bought Addy. This was the beginning of my love of history and historical fiction.

2. In keeping with the childhood theme, I also used to be very into horses. Some of my favorite books were the Thoroughbred series and Misty of Chincoteague. In second grade (least favorite school year EVER), we were given an assignment to draw a picture of a scene from Central Park in NYC. I drew a horse. My teacher was not happy; said there weren't horses there. Well. I would like to publicly proclaim the fact that I've been to Central Park several times, and there are in fact horses there. So there. But I'm not bitter. :)

3. As is perhaps already obvious, I was a complete bookworm as a child (and would still be if I had enough time for such things), and my favorite way to spend summer break was in the hammock or on the swing in my backyard with a stack of books. Those were the days...

4. I met Joni Eareckson Tada when I was 12. I really wish now that I'd realized how awesome that was at the time. This lady (and more specifically, God's faithfulness in her life) is amaaazing.

5. Sabrina and I once made brownies at the Haitian orphanage where we were living while decked out in donated muumuus/choir robes. It was epic.

6. I've been on a national Hispanic news program. And I don't speak Spanish. Yeah. (Sorry, no picture for this one...actually no, not so sorry...)

7. In a moment of half-asleep insanity, I signed up to run a 5k next month. However, it's for a super-good cause (Compassion International's Child Survival program), so you should help me raise money by clicking here.

So, next to be tagged/retagged...

*I'd post the image that goes along with this "award", but it's having issues, and I'm too tired to deal with it. Good night! :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Better late than never

Last May I created a bucket list of things I wanted to accomplish by the end of 2010. This was a semi-successful endeavor; I think I had completed about half of the items on the list before December came to a close. This year my list is a little shorter (and therefore hopefully will have a higher success rate), and I've carried over several goals from last year that I wasn't able to do. Some of these goals are silly and relatively unimportant (i.e. climb a tree) but others have the potential to be a tad more significant :) Also, since I'm only just now getting around to posting this year's list, a few of these items have already been completed, but they're staying on the list regardless...because I like crossing things off :)

So here's my 2011 Bucket List...let me know if you want to help me accomplish any of it! :)

1. Have an Anne of Avonlea party.

2. Be consistently mentored by a godly woman from church.

3. Attend Kevin and Danielle’s wedding.

4. Visit Aja in San Antonio.

5. Volunteer for something on a regular basis.

6. Volunteer at a Joni & Friends camp.

7. Camp at Cades Cove.

8. Read through the entire Bible.

9. Visit a state where I’ve never been.

10. Visit the North Carolina farm.

11. Go back to Haiti.

12. Visit Chicago and Warsaw.

13. Go to a concert.

14. Visit Paul and Sheila in Vermont.

15. Visit Sean, Jessica, and Isaiah in Virginia.

16. Go running with Jenn.

17. Climb a tree.

18. Take ice skating lessons.

19. Be certified as a foster care babysitter.

20. Have a Disney movie marathon.

21. Go horseback riding.

22. Learn/practice more French.

23. Attend Joe and Caitlin’s wedding.

24. Move out of Stephanie-the-apartment and live in a duplex or house.

25. Do the Run for Compassion 5k.

26. Go to the Bluebell Creamery.

27. Name the duplex.

28. Have a Jane Austen movie night.

29. Watch the Lord of the Rings movies.

30. Go on a picnic.

31. Have a tea party.

32. Go to a museum.

33. Go on a roadtrip with Rachael.

34. Ride on a train.

35. Plant flowers in my yard.

36. Build a sand castle.

37. Go to a musical.

38. Go camping with Ian and Stephanie.

39. Stand under a waterfall.

40. Go to Martha’s Bloomers Tea Room.

at Kevin and Danielle's wedding (#3)

Monday, March 14, 2011

'tis Monday

291. The business meeting at church and hearing all of the testimonies of those who were baptized. God is so faithful!
292. Sweet time fellowshipping and praying with friends.
293. Getting to spend time one-on-one with Miss Pat on Tuesday and Mr. Jim on Thursday at Esperanza.
294. The guys from Still Creek Ranch taking the time to pray with KM and me when they came by to pick up the donated pastries at Starbucks.
295. The beautiful unity of the body of Christ and the incredible blessing it is to be part of this.
296. Hanging out with new friends and enjoying a campfire and s'mores at Lake Bryan.
297. God's faithful provision: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it . . . But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." (Psalm 81:10, 16)
298. Thankful to have gotten to go to TN a few weeks ago to see my grandpa before he died (3/13/11). So thankful to have had him in my life for 25 1/2 years. And so very thankful that he's with Jesus now.
299. A quiet Sunday.
300. Awakening to the sound of rain outside my window, and being able to lie in bed for a few more minutes instead of having to immediately jump up and begin my day.

Monday, March 7, 2011

wedding week!

281. Kevin and Danielle's wedding!
282. Getting to spend time with Ian and Stephanie after the wedding; so very blessed by these two.
283. Seeing so many Florida friends again this week - Phil and Krystle and their boys; Mr. and Mrs. Seidel; JoeDel; Mr. and Mrs. Fraiser; Ian and Stephanie; AJ; Gibby.
284. Encouraging texts from wonderful church friends, and, similarly, the support and prayers of my amazing church family.
285. Several opportunities to borrow Kevin and Danielle's kitchen and cook/bake so that I didn't go utterly into kitchen withdrawal while in Florida :P

286. Getting to spend time with Kevin and Danielle before their wedding, and especially getting to know Danielle better (since I moved to Texas 3 days after they started dating).
287. Hearing how the Lord is working in the lives of dear friends and family members.
288. Listening to last night's sermon during the plane ride back to Texas.
289. Coming home to Texas!
290. That Sabrina and Donovan have found a venue and picked a date for their wedding - can't wait for September 25th!