Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Heartline Maternity Center: Making a difference for LIFE

I've said this before, and I'm sure I'll say it again, but the more time I'm able to spend at Heartline, and the more I get to know both the women in their programs and the women who do the work to make the maternity center such a safe, fun, and wonderful place, the more thankful I am for the heart behind this ministry and for the lives it is impacting and saving.

Last week was a busy one at the maternity center. Besides the usual program days (prenatal class and check-ups, child development day and postpartum check-ups, and Bible study/family planning day), there were also three births, one transport due to suspected preeclampsia, and continuing postpartum care for the sweet little boy born mid-May at only 31 or 32 weeks gestation. Additionally, since Dr. Jen was in town, several moms brought their sick little ones over for her to take a look at. And as always, even in the midst of all the busyness, the level of compassionate and competent care given to each woman and child, the way each person is valued and treated with dignity and respect, is such a beautiful thing to see. Young teen girls and middle-aged women, women from the poorest slums and those who can afford to eat more than once a day, first-time moms and mothers of six -- all find a welcoming, safe, and loving environment when they step through the gate at the maternity center.

Lives are being saved

The very first birth I attended at Heartline, back in the fall of 2011, is one of many examples of how God is using Heartline to save lives. Esther, a first-time mom, had seen her sister die in childbirth, and consequently, she dealt with a lot of fear as she endured her long and complicated labor. Because Melissa was there (an experienced nurse-midwife who was working with Heartline at the time), Esther was able to deliver at the maternity center, where we were able to support and encourage her and allow her to have a safe and dignified birth. Though she lost a lot of blood when her little boy was born, again, Melissa's experience and skills  prevented a tragedy. Had Esther tried to deliver on her own at home, this story would have ended much differently. After Esther's birth, Tara wrote,
We're all blessed by your willingness to pray for these ladies. Their lives are fragile and the odds are stacked against them in so many ways. With each complicated birth we recognize more and more what a ginormous gift it is to be able to offer this option to women in our area. Thank you for helping to make this ministry possible. Please keep giving. Please keep praying.
Fast-forward a year-and-a-half to two weeks ago, when Guernise, pregnant with her first child, showed up at the maternity center in preterm labor. Beth described the fear and sadness of that moment:
Her bag of waters has broken.  This is not good news for a mom who is only 31 weeks along and measuring really small.  Not good news at all. This is beyond our skill level and we start to look for back up.  The first hospital states if she doesn’t have high blood pressure along with the broken waters they won’t take her.  For the first time in my midwifery career I am hoping for a high bp.  Nope, perfect.   We crank up our ambulance and prepare for hospital number two.  While waiting for family to arrive and all the wheels to be set in motion dear little Guernise lays on our birth bed weeping. 
Thankfully, the second hospital took Guernise, and she delivered a 3 lb baby boy, Alexander. Small though he was, however, and clearly preterm, he didn't meet the hospital's criteria for keeping him for continued care; Alex and Guernise were soon released to go home. Had they actually gone home, had they been left to fend for themselves without further medical care (in the States, he would've been in the NICU), this tiny little boy would likely not have survived very long. But, by the grace of God, who knew long before this little one's birth what his needs would be, Guernise had come to Heartline for prenatal care, and now she could turn to the midwives there for help with Alex. Heartline's amazing team (midwives, nurses, and pediatrician) are working together and with Guernise to make sure that little Alexander remains infection-free and continues to gain weight and thrive. Prayers for this sweet mom and baby, as well as for the team at Heartline, would be greatly appreciated.

These are just two of many stories of how God is changing and even saving lives through Heartline's maternity program. Want to learn more (and get a glimpse into what goes on at the maternity center)? Here are two short videos:

This video gives a brief overview of the maternity center.

Lydia Livesay gives a super cute tour of the maternity center :)

Want to join with Heartline in making a difference in the lives of women and babies in Haiti? Your prayers for the team at Heartline and for the women in the program are so very valued. Tara keeps the list of ladies updated here (this list is just the ladies who have yet to deliver, but obviously you can keep praying for them after they give birth!).

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