Once upon a lovely Sunday evening in September, Donovan and
Sabrina got married :)
As promised*, here are some pictures from their wedding weekend (apologies in advance for the poor photo quality, particularly regarding the last bunch).
The girls started out the weekend with pedicures:
The evening before the wedding, we made the lovely
30-minute drive to Independence, TX for the rehearsal.
Note: Sabrina's sister Bunny stood
in for her at the rehearsal.
Post-rehearsal, Sabrina and Jube looked lovely;
Paul and Birdie pretended they were in a band.
Birdie, me, and Everly
Almost married!
Sabrina and Donovan
Cenare for the rehearsal dinner
me, Sabrina, and Everly
Wedding Day! Getting ready at Eyrie Park.
Sabrina, me and Samuel, Jubilee
Willin and Everly
Trying to figure out how to tie the sashes;
these pictures make me laugh :)
Beautiful Birdie
Time to put on her wedding dress;
she was positively giddy with excitement :)
Opening her gift from her husband-to-be--
Time to head to the church!
Willin, Samuel, and Jubilee, Sabrina
The ceremony
(photos courtesy of Paul)
Quick photos before the reception
The cakes!
Having fun at the reception, which was held
Off they go, amidst a shower of rose petals.
Once most of the guests had departed, we took
advantage of the empty dance floor.
Some got a little crazier than others...
Around 1am, after cleaning up...soooo tired...
But happy :)
Congratulations, Donovan and Sabrina! It was such a blessing to be a part of your special day--and even more, to be part of your lives! May God richly bless your marriage; His faithfulness is already so evident in each of you and in the way He brought you two together. Love y'all!
*This shall forever go down in history as the day that I
actually followed through, in a timely manner, on a promised blog post. I think I should get a gold star.