Thursday, February 23, 2012

Where things stand

I know some of you are waiting for a recap of my time in Haiti (and for me to finally find time to post pictures on Facebook), and hopefully that post will get written (and pictures uploaded) at some point in the nearish future.  Right now, though, how about an update on where things stand school-wise...

how 'bout one picture to tide you over?  :)
Baby Raphael with big brother Emmanuel
Remember when I wrote about my decision to go back to school to become a nurse (and eventually, a nurse-midwife)?  Well, I've spent the past few months moving in that direction: researching schools, filling out applications, requesting transcripts, taking an admissions exam, and getting more advice and encouragement from the lovely ladies at Heartline.  It's been hectic, it's been stressful, it's been discouraging at times, but overall God has graciously given me a sense of peace by reminding me that He is working out the plans for my life.  He knows where I need to go, what I need to do, and how it's all going to happen, and even as I'm trying to "figure out" and prepare for this next step, I can trust Him to get me to where I need to be.  

Therefore...when I didn't do well on the last section of the admissions exam, thereby disqualifying myself for being considered for admission to one of my top two school picks...I had to let go of my disappointment, let go of the reasons why I wanted so very much to go to that school, and trust that the Lord, who knows so much better than I do what is best, holds my future.  Still, always, no matter what.

And when I discovered right before the start of this semester that I needed to take a few more classes for my other top pick and was scrambling to enroll for one of them at literally the very last minute, I finally realized I could do nothing else than to just trust that either I would get into the class I needed or I would not.  And if not, it would be okay, one way or another.  I got in, thanks to the willingness of an adviser to work late on a Friday afternoon on my behalf and to take me at my word that I had taken the prerequisite to that class, since my transcript had not shown up yet.  That was such a sweet reminder for me that the Lord is the one preparing the way for me.  I don't know what that "way" is yet (or at least, not entirely), and it may be far from what I'm expecting, who knows.  But rather than freaking out and thinking that I have to make everything come together, that I have to figure out where to go and what to do, I can seek the Lord and He will guide me.  I can't tell you how much comfort there is in knowing that.

In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
 So those are some of the lessons the Lord has been teaching me recently as I've begun (again) to pursue nursing.  So now, back to where things actually stand application/school-wise...

  • I only ended up applying to two schools: Baylor's School of Nursing in Dallas (a BSN program) and Blinn College here in Bryan/College Station (an ADN program).
  • Originally, I was only considering BSN programs, as I'll need a bachelor's degree to then pursue a master's in certified nurse-midwifery.  However, as I've looked into different options, talked to various people, considered the financial aspect of going back to school (and possibly moving again), and realized more and more how grateful I am for the community I have where I currently live, I've become more and more open to the idea of starting with the local ADN program.  Besides being the considerably less expensive option, it would also allow me to continue to be involved in my church here and in the relationships I've built over the past few years.  I also would get to continue to live with my hilarious and awesome brother, who is actually in his first semester of nursing school himself (hand-me down books?)*  :)  Additionally, since I've already taken all of the prerequisites for the bachelors degree, the RN to BSN program should take me only a year, during which time I can already be working as a nurse.  And since I have to have at least a year's experience before starting the masters program, it doesn't really add on any extra time.  All that to say, despite my initial refusal to consider Blinn on the basis of it "only" being an ADN program, in the last month it has very much become the option I am hoping for.  I won't, however, know until the end of May whether or not I've gotten in.  So we'll see :)
  • With that said, I did find out this afternoon that I have been accepted into Baylor's nursing program.  I'm on the stand-by list for Fall, but if no openings come up before July, I'll be automatically admitted for Spring.  I had gotten to the point where I almost was hoping I would not get into Baylor so that I wouldn't have to make a decision before hearing back from Blinn, but the Lord's kindness in putting me on the stand-by list (and therefore giving me more time to decide) is such a gift.  I plan to accept the offer of admissions for now and will continue praying for wisdom to make the decision when the time comes.  Again, I'm hoping I get into Blinn and can stay here, but I also want to be open to other options in case the Lord seems to be leading elsewhere.
So all that to say, for you B/CSers who saw my Facebook status and are bemoaning the fact that I will no longer be around to make your coffee, don't start worrying yet; I may still be around awhile ;)  Thanks to those of you who have been so wonderful in sharing advice and encouraging and praying for me these past few months---I so appreciate each of you.  And continued prayers are very much welcomed as well :)

* Just kidding, Paul.  Kind of ;)

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