Sunday, March 1, 2009

Burlap Bibles

I really do have another post "waiting in the wings," and hopefully I will have time to finish it up and post it later, but in the meantime, I want to let anyone that might actually be reading this know about Burlap Bibles. Burlap Bibles is the ministry that God has given to one of my friends to get a quality and readable Bible in the hands of anyone who requests one, no matter where in the world they live*. This aspect of the ministry has been ongoing for about a year (I think?), and though he has done no advertising to promote his free Bibles website, he has had a decent response. My friend has not always known where he would get the money to be able to send these Bibles, but yet, God has always provided. Now, this ministry is growing:

"Through this process I have developed a passion for getting the Word to the nations and I feel that it is time to expand this ministry. I would love to be able to start advertising my site to compete with the non-Christian sites out there. I would love to be able to help the Gideons International fill hospitals around the world with the message of Jesus Christ. I would love to help Wycliffe Bible Translators make sure that there is a Bible in every tongue. I know from experience that if God wants this to succeed He will provide a way, so I started looking for ways."

At this point, my friend was inspired by TOMS shoes with the whole concept of "buy one, give one," but he wanted the Bibles that he sends to be unique in such a way "that would connect the people buying the Bibles with the people receiving the free Bibles." It was then that the idea of Burlap Bibles began: he would use burlap coffee bags to make covers for the Bibles.

"Not only is there the symbolism associated with sackcloth (I.e. mourning, humility, supplication) but coffee is a global commodity that comes primarily from the poorest regions on Earth. There is a lot of variance in coffee bags, making each Burlap Bible unique and the bags are recycled into something beautiful, artistic, and useful instead of being thrown out!"

The result is this:
An English Standard Version Bible, with a hand-crafted burlap coffee bag cover. I don't know about you, but I am super excited about this ministry, and I greatly admire the passion behind it. No matter where this goes, no matter how many people this reaches, I am convinced that God will use this ministry for His glory and to plant seeds in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike.

*Except for Nigeria or Indonesia; he cannot ship to these countries.


Anonymous said...

hi is this a scam? what is your friend's name? there is nothing on the burlap bible website that says who is organizing it. it looks very suspicious. just a link to pay $37 for an unseen bible.

Beth said...

trevoray: This is not a scam, though I guess I don't have any way of convincing you of that. I'm not comfortable mentioning my friend's name without his permission; however, he blogs at and I'm sure would welcome any questions or concerns you might have. Also, I have ordered a Bible off of the website (yesterday) and have received email confirmation from paypal, if that makes you feel any better.

Unknown said...

Hi Beth, Thanks for the Publicity! This is not a scam. I am behind Burlap Bibles. My name is Joseph Kraft. Contact me at There are photos on the site, it may be that they are not loading properly. I am looking into this but as I'm sure you noticed, I am not a pro webmaster.
Beth, I sent your Bible out this afternoon. Thanks very much! You got the first official Burlap Bible!