Monday, October 4, 2010

ever so thankful

61. The opportunity to make a quick trip to Houston to have lunch with my dad while he was in town for a business meeting.
62. A wonderful Sunday of fellowship with my Life Group, dear friends, and at church.
63. my new Lesley Gore pandora station. I anticipate this being the soundtrack to much future baking.
64. Fun with coworkers painting mugs during our store party.
65. Trying out new recipes!
66. Sunday afternoon book study with Sabrina and Everly
67. Perfect tea-drinking weather (so far today I've had two cups of Earl Grey and one cup of Vanilla Rooibus...mmm!)
68. Texts from friends, keeping me accountable about spending time in God's Word
69. Julie and Julia movie night with Sabrina, Everly, and Birdie
70. A phone call from my brother in Haiti while he was at Notre Maison; I was able to get an update on "my" baby (she's doing very well and can sit up on her own now!).

1 comment:

Annesta said...

Dear Beth,
Enjoyed stopping by your blog today to read your gratitude list. I join you in gratitude in having lunch with your dad, a church where you feel welcomed and can worship, and a book study with dear friends.
May your week be filled with gifts upon gifts!