Monday, October 18, 2010

a Tennessee Monday

81. Visiting my grandparents in east Tennessee.
82. Glorious fall-colored mountains and lovely weather, and the opportunity to spend an afternoon at Cades Cove (one of my favorite places on this earth).
83. My grandmother, who has Alzheimer's, walking into her kitchen as I pulled muffins out of the oven and saying, "I love you; it seems like it's always been like this." (Not entirely sure what she was referring or if she really knows who I am most of the time, but it was a very sweet moment.)
84. Visiting over tea with my lovely sister/friend/cousin Sabrina.
85. Seeing the sunset over the Smoky Mountains from the Foothills Parkway
86. A good conversation with my pastor
87. Encouraging texts to let me know a friend is praying for me.
88. "Hellooooooooo ma'am!" Never fails to make me smile. Thank you, Sir Green Shirt.
89. Technology, which allows me to listen to the sermon I missed last night while I drive across Tennessee this afternoon.
90. New music to play over and over on "Nonny" (my non-iPod) that keeps me focused on the Gospel.


Everly Pleasant said...

This is a great list! Miss you!


Beth said...

Miss you too! Gonna hop on over to your blog now and see if you've posted yet :) Lots of love!

Unknown said...

Found you at Ann's today and could so resonate with the text messages from friends who are taking you to the throne of God through prayer.

This is what I love about texting is that I can send and receive prayers from family and friends!

Love that we share the same name ... are you an Elizabeth who goes by Beth?

Beth said...

Sort of...I'm an Elisabeth (with an "s") who goes by Beth :)

And yes, it's neat that texting can be used for encouragement and prayers; I ought to remember to make use of it for such things more frequently myself!

sarah said...

Bethy, here's my thought about Grandma's remark and the muffins... I'm thinking that pulling muffins out of the oven surely remind her of being a Mom, and probably you remind her of your Mom. Just calls to mind generations of love and baking :)'s always been like this :)

Sarah Jane