Monday, December 13, 2010

of gratitude and mostly Christmasy sorts of things

161. Homemade Christmas cards (though I'm questioning my sanity in deciding to do this...I am so not crafty but am very much a perfectionist. Dangerous combination.)
162. Lunch with a friend from my Bible study.
163. A day of [forced] rest... Though it would have been preferable to have not been sick, I clearly needed a day of doing nothing but drinking tea, laying on the couch, and watching Pride and Prejudice.
164. So excited about Heartline's new teen mom home; also super excited to get together with other women from my church to shop for one the rooms in this new home!
165. This Christmas album, which has quickly become one of my favorites and which I've had on repeat for the past several days.
166. An afternoon outing to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader with my Texas family.
167. An evening at the theatre watching a local production of White Christmas with friends from church.
168. My second year of celebrating Saint Lucia's Day with my Texas family.
169. The comfort (and thrill) of knowing that God places certain people and situations in my life for a purpose, even though it often doesn't make sense to me. It's neat to look back and see how this has been true in the past while realizing that it certainly must be true in the present as well.
170. Christmas lights.

1 comment:

Annesta said...

What a lovely list you posted. I can relate to the whole perfectionism thing and wanting to create is a bad combo!
Glad you were able to rest and was so interested in learning about Saint Lucia's day...