Monday, January 3, 2011

redeemed and thankful

Psalm 107:1 [Let the Redeemed of the LORD Say So] Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!

191. Reading books with Phoebe.
192. Utterly undeserved grace...mercy...forgiveness.
193. A New Year's visit from my dad.
194. Finally getting to meet this amazing woman (pray for her and her family as they head back to their Haiti home tomorrow)!
195. A fun and fairly low-key New Year's Eve with friends.
196. My church. And the people there. (I know this is a repeat...makes the list nearly every week...but thankful to be a part of such a beautiful community of people who love the Lord.)
197. Quieter (for the most part) days at work while the students are out of town; enjoying this little break from the usual craziness.
198. The anticipation and excitement of a new year, full of hopes and dreams and who knows what!
199. Going to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader again with Paul...and then AGAIN with friends from church :)
200. Sitting in front of a crackling fire on a chilly afternoon.


Lindsey V said...

Lovely list! I grew up in Haiti! Loved The Voyage of the Dawn Treader -- best of the 3 so far!

Happy Multitude Monday!

Beth said...

Oh, neat; where in Haiti did you grow up? I've been been going to Haiti since 1998 and lived there for awhile in 2005 (worked at in orphanage in Pelerin). Miss that country like crazy; hoping to go back soon!

Everly Pleasant said...

Lindsey, meet Beth! Beth, Lindsey! :)