Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quick update

Heading to bed in a minute but wanted to post a quick update first (primarily for Everly, who has already figured out that I made it to Heartline today) :)

This morning I went with Gertrude to take several of the kids from Notre Maison to physical therapy.  Christina was one of them, so I happily held her in the car and most of the time at the hospital; Christine, Valencia, Jean Daniel, Woodmayer, and Alain also went.  It was encouraging to see the therapist (an American who is on staff with Project Medishare) interact with the kids; it was obvious that she loves kids and is good at what she does.  She even wants to come out to Notre Maison on her own time and see the other kids (and perhaps train the staff on how to work with them).  Oh how I hope that happens; these kids have so much potential, and if the nannies could/would do these exercises with them, I really think many of them would benefit greatly.

Shortly after we got back from physical therapy, I left again to head to Heartline, where they were kind enough to let me observe as they did prenatals.  Beth even gave me a mini-lesson in determining the position of the baby and how to measure fundal height, and she let me use the doppler to find the baby's heartbeat.  This may not sound too exciting, but hey, I'm completely new to this (though hopefully not for long), so I thought it was pretty great :)  I didn't take any pictures while I was there (oddly enough, I took a sum total of THREE pictures all day today, so weird!), but Heather and Tara both have pictures up from today on their blogs.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to be able to head back to Heartline for a few hours, as long as Gertrude's driver is able to get me there :)

I've intended to write a list of prayer requests for my time here but have still not managed to do it, but one thing especially that I'd appreciate prayer for is for wisdom and guidance in some decisions that I'll likely soon be making.  There are several conversations I'm hoping to have/continue over the next few weeks that should help me as I figure out where to go/what to do next, so prayers for all of that would be great :)

And with that, off to bed I go!

Oh, but if anyone has any ideas for a very simple Halloween costume, that would be fantastic.  The Hendricks are hosting a Halloween party on Saturday, and I am clueless as to what to dress up as.  Didn't exactly pack for Haiti with Halloween in mind... So suggestions from you more creative people would be great!

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