Monday, September 13, 2010

A thankful heart

The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.
-- Henry Ward Beecher

31. I watched The Sound of Music last week for the first time since I was a child. Loved the movie growing up, love it even more now!
32. Big powerful thunderstorms.
33. Wonderful time spent assisting my dear chef friend Sabrina make fajitas on a blustery afternoon.
34. My first close as a shift supervisor went way better and more smoothly than I'd expected, thanks to having great coworkers. I cannot express the immense relief of having made it through this "first"!
35. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough
36. A long-overdue meeting with Sabrina and Everly for our book study
37. A super-cute and sweet card from Birdie
38. Proof that chivalry does still exist.
39. Lots of opportunities this week to bake!
40. For God's "comfort in affliction", and for reminders from several sources of how to minister to those who are suffering.

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