Sunday, April 3, 2011


Shortly after moving to College Station, I was informed that one of the restaurants here in town, Blue Baker, gives away free food to customers who come in decked out in the color blue (as in, blue hair, blue skin, blue clothes, etc). While I thought that this was a fun idea and certainly like the idea of a free meal, I hadn't ever taken advantage of this deal over the past 16 months that I've lived here. Until last Friday, that is, when one of my friends suggested that a group of us get together and paint ourselves blue. And so we did :) We met up in the back of the parking lot, wearing whatever blue clothing we owned and armed with blue paint to decorate our faces, arms, and legs. Some of us (and by us, I don't mean me) were more creative than others with both our attire and our paint; I think I can speak for all of us, though, in saying that we had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed our free food!

Getting blue

the only guy brave enough to hang out
with a bunch of girls and paint himself blue

best costume and best face paint

Thanks for putting this together, Kim!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

This is totally something I would do !! So funny and great!