Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Minute Friday

I have just inadvertently stumbled across a new blog community of sorts that I may try to be a part of (since I tend to need such prompting to get this blog updated; see blog archives--they're almost all "Monday" posts). Anyway, I just discovered Five Minute Fridays (via Gretchen at The Little Pink House). Basically, the idea is to spend five minutes just writing (no editing allowed) and see what you come up with; it's "not a perfect post, not a profound post, just an exercise in the discipline of writing" (The Gypsy Mama). The whole "no editing" thing will be the tricky part for me; being a recovering perfectionist/people pleaser and possessing the dreaded "analysis paralysis" gene (I come from a long line of engineers), I read and reread the heck out of whatever I write before I push the oh-so-scary "publish post" button. So maybe this will be good for me...write, write, write, write, POST. Done. Hmmm...maybe.

And with that said (and to keep myself from going back over the above paragraph), here I go... This week's prompt is "A few of my favorite things." Grabbing timer...ready...set...go!

My church. Absolutely, for sure, definitely, I love, love, love my church. I love the passion for preserving and proclaiming the gospel that is so evident in everything from the way the service is conducted to the fellowship among the body to the commitment to speaking the truth in love, even when it's hard to say and/or hear. I love the amazing friends I've been blessed to get to know over the past few months; they've both encouraged and challenged me so much.


I think my timer's broken. That was the fastest five minutes of my life. And I was right; the no-editing thing is HARD. I am not good at just writing non-stop; definitely had to stop and come up with the right words a couple of times. Is that against the rules? (And if so, is being really tired a good excuse?) Whatever. I tried. Good night!


Kateri said...

Five minutes does go by really fast, doesn't it? (I admit a few times I have cheated and wrote longer. :)Sounds like you have a great church! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

The Farmer Files said...

I don't count the time it takes me to format and add pictures. I do correct grammar, too. It is great to have a body of believers that LIVE life to the FULL. Welcome to 5min Fridays.