Monday, April 18, 2011

glory to our King

Hallelujah, glory to our King
Hallelujah, You are everything
Hallelujah, I have been redeemed
Hallelujah, glory to our King

381. Visiting with Miss Barbara at Esperanza on Thursday and Friday.
382. Getting to hang out with my sweet friend Michelle and eat yummy pie and have a wonderful conversation.
383. Ice skating with Sarah!!!!!!  (originally this had a mere 3 exclamation points.  Then I reread it and got excited and decided it needed more.)   :)
384. A neck/shoulder massage from the brother :)
385. Cooler mornings and breezy afternoons.
386. Having such a wonderful group of friends that I can text and ask for prayers when I'm stressed.
387. We're getting coconut syrup back at Starbucks (after 5 long years without it!).  I might be excited about this...maybe :)
388. Taking a nap in my hammock on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
389. Not having to go to Houston for a class last Tuesday...which meant I got a [much needed and appreciated] day off!
390. And because I had the day off...I got to go hang out with Meg!  Love her!
391. Surviving and mostly enjoying one of the busiest work days I've had all year...because I have wonderful coworkers :)
392. Hearing a friend's exciting news.
393. Getting to an enjoy a quiet Saturday evening in the kitchen, trying out new recipes.
394. Speaking of recipes, if you're a chocolate lover, make these cupcakes.  Amaaaazing.
395. And while eating aforementioned cupcakes: "I don't like chocolate cake, but I like chocolate cupcakes."  Thank you, Jason, for that quote.  That was undoubtedly the hardest I'd laughed all day :)
396. A fun game night at Jason and Meg's (though I was regrettably quite tired).  Learned (sort of) how to play Settlers of Catan.
397. Advice from a friend that wasn't what I necessarily wanted to hear but was certainly what I needed to hear.
398. Friends who encourage me and who cheer me up when I'm struggling.
399. Running to some old-school Christian music...oh the childhood memories this brings back!
400. The incredible truth that Christ has set me free from the bondage of sin; I no longer have to live in it but instead, through His power and grace, I can live a life that pleases Him.
There on the cross He bore our sins
And then imparted righteousness
And now we stand here justified
Now we live because He died.
Made Us Alive -- Michael Bleeker

You are stronger
You are stronger
Sin is broken
You have saved me
It is written
Christ is risen
Jesus, You are Lord of all
Stronger -- Hillsong


Anonymous said...

I love Hillsong so much :D!!!
God Bless you and keep you!

Lisa said...

What a beautiful list, I love number 400, have a wonderful week!!!!

Beth said...

Thanks for your comments! Yes, I've been discovering more and more wonderful songs from Hillsong recently (or rather, I start searching for songs we've been singing in church and then realize that a lot of them are from Hillsong)!

And yes, #400...isn't that an amazing truth??? Oh that I may live as though I truly believe it, every moment of every day!

Melanie said...

Beautiful list! Your blog is lovely!

I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)

Celebrating His resurrection,