Monday, April 11, 2011

better than I deserve

not by my own words that I may boast or I may come
but simply through Your Son the sinless and exalted One
only through the cross am I made clean to draw near to You
saved so that You would receive all glory due Your name
everlasting God from age to age You never change
a true love story remains for all eternity
that all the world would see
the beauty of the cross is that there's One who has redeemed my soul
the beauty of the cross is that I'm finally free and letting go
the beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am
- The Beauty of the Cross, Jeff Johnson

361. Getting to visit with my lovely friend Kim (and eat yummy frozen yogurt)
362. Serving in preschool Tuesday night and getting to play with super cute kids :)
363. Running into two friends from church at the ice skating rink and having a really good conversation right in the middle of the ice.
364. This video, and the reminder to wait on the Lord and hope in His Word, "for with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with Him is plentiful redemption" (Psalm 130:5-7).
365. Seeing so many church friends at Starbucks (y'all, I'm not kidding when I tell you it makes my day when y'all come in!)
366. That Run for Compassion was such a huge SUCCESS!  So excited about how much money was raised to support the Child Survival Programs in Haiti and Ethiopia!  (Want to be part of this?  You can still donate!)
367. Running and enjoying my first 5k :)  I especially loved seeing those of you who were holding signs along the way (thanks for the encouragement, Sarah, Rachel, Jessie, Rachael, Cody, Camaaron, and others!).
368. A Pride and Prejudice movie night with Jessica, Stephanie, and Julie...though I have to admit that despite my best efforts, I was only awake for a very small percentage of the last half (it'd been a long day!).
369. These.  Holymoly.  Yum.
370. A lovely Sunday afternoon visit with Sabrina and Everly.
371. That my head was no longer directly beneath the light fixture when it decided to fall and shatter on my table.
372. The sharing of ridiculous/hilarious youtube videos on our church's member site.  Can't say Baptists don't have a sense of humor!
373. Standing in the parking lot talking to Julie and Sarah for a long time after church; I really love these girls.
374. Freshly vacuumed carpets (and the fact that my vacuum is working again).
375. Encouragement from friends.
376. A Saturday afternoon nap in my hammock...soooo wonderful!
377. The expectant hope of what is to come.
378. Beginning to plan for a long-awaited trip back to Haiti (hoping for May/June).  If you want to come (or are in the least bit interested), let me know!
379. Playing "cone ball" with Justus and hearing him giggle every time he made the ball shoot out of the cone.
380. Deandre, one of the little boys at church.  I just really enjoy this kid.

We're always doing better than we deserve.


Everly Pleasant said...

Mmmm, love it! The video/! And the quote at the end: awesome.


Joan Hall said...

Hi Beth:

I'm stopping by from Ann's blog. I enjoyed reading your gratitude list.
