Thursday, January 5, 2012

2 years...I mean, 25+ months in Texas

When I first started writing this post, it was already 2 weeks past my two-years-in-Texas anniversary...and now several more weeks almost a month has gone by, thus making this my happy-25+-months-in-Texas-to-me post.  Exciting, huh.  I know; you're all jumping up and down and cheering.  Try to contain your excitement.  :)

Not that this is a super important post or has been super complicated to put together, but shortly after returning from Haiti in November, life got extra-crazy-busy and my high hopes of keeping up with the blog plummeted.  Making 90% of my Christmas gifts, fun though it was, turned out to be highly time-consuming.  And technically, I've still got a few (New Years? Valentines Day? Halloween? Hopefully sometime by Christmas 2012?) gifts to make...  Considering I have 18 immediate family members (Texas family included), I'm pretty pleased that I got as much done in time as I did.  But I digress...

So.  I moved to Texas.  25 months ago (plus a week or two).  Hurray!  Happy anniversary and all that to me.  Here are some [and by some, I mean half a bajillion] [very random and not always entirely in order because I am too tired and lacking in patience to make it perfect] photo highlights of these past two years:
hanging out at "Stephanie"
my first St. Lucia's Day at Eyrie Park

Kevin came for Christmas 2009
creating "Yum" at Eyrie Park

Everly and Paul decorated this
manequin with a fake eyelash
they found...see it?
Birdie's adorable Alice in Wonderland birthday party
Blue Bell! 

ice skating for Paul's birthday

Caitlin made super-awesome homemade ice cream.
So I put my hair on top of my head.
(Please pretend like that makes sense.)
spending the day at the beach in Galveston
Lina came to visit

(mostly) past and (4) present coworkers 
visiting the Houston zoo on a very, very,
very hot June afternoon

4th of July, ready for fireworks!

seeing some friends from Haiti for the first time in years

Starbucks game which Donovan
stuffed an entire cupcake (with whipped cream)
in his mouth.

daytrip to the Guadelupe River just had to be there...

some of my favorite girls in the world

nothing beats a Texas sunset

Seeing Jack Johnson in concert!!!!

the brothers... (Kevin came to visit again)

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day, of course.

Anne of Green Gables party

Everly's 1940s-themed graduation party

Starbucks party at U Paint It

Finishing nanowrimo

my second St. Lucia's Day at Eyrie Park

Aja in her corner :)

10-10-10 at 10:10

wearing Maroon for the first time
(heading to my first college football game)

super sad about Gap closing :(

JoeDel (and Paint Me Irrational) stayed
with us when they played a show
in Bryan!
Christmas 2010

my cup tower, which stayed up for weeks!

reunited with childhood friends :)

the day before Donovan proposed to Sabrina

middle-of-the-night engagement set-up



the chaos that was our living room after
our sudden move to The Yet-Unnamed Duplex

Loren's birthday dinner at Chuy's

It snowed!  In Texas!  So fun!!!
Robert and I opened Starbucks that day and started
off our morning with a coffee press of Verona in the snow.

I built a mini-snowman.  His name was
Lil Green.  (May he rest in peace.)
He lived in the Starbucks freezer until
it broke and he melted :(


doing crazy things for a friend's
birthday scavenger hunt

I got to help babysit for these people's fabulous kids
while they had a "minute-to-win-it" party
to celebrate Chelsea's birthday.

first Whataburger experience

We painted ourselves blue for free food at Blue Baker.

tea party

Starbucks girls' night

Lina came to visit for a month!

"Decades" party for some friends' birthdays.

crazy coworkers :)

pre-wedding pedicures

at Sabrina and Donovan's rehearsal dinner

Sabrina and Donovan

September 25, 2011

St. Lucia's Day at Eyrie Park, 2011
Christmas party at Donovan and Sabrina's.

1 comment:

Everly Pleasant said...

Awww, sweet memories! Loved this post. :D Love you!