Tuesday, January 24, 2012

hello, Tuesday

I guess the positive side of suddenly and irreversibly waking up at 2:15am (ahead of an already absurdly early wake-up time of 3:45am) is having time to be at least semi-productive before heading to work.  Normally I hop out of bed with just enough time to get [minimally] ready for the day before heading to work at 4:15.  Today, though, I've already washed my crockpot (which may or may not have still been soaking in the sink since I got home from church Sunday night...), answered several Facebook messages (this is a big deal; I am terrible at responding to Facebook messages...though trying to get better!), made coffee (VIA, but I still had to filter the water and heat it up...ok, fine, it took two minutes), made tea and retrieved ibuprofen for my brother who is not feeling well (pray for him; he's got a long day of nursing school today), and checked on the whereabouts of the textbook I'm hoping will arrive in the next few days.  Nothing like starting off a Tuesday with a spurt of productivity!  Here's to hoping I'm still equally awake and energetic at 10am!

761. Getting to see Julie and Sarah more that they're meeting at Starbucks every morning again.
762. An emotional but clarifying discussion on something I am passionate about.
763. Getting to spend time with Faith and Logan; love them!
764. Collecting things for Haiti (thanks to those who have donated!).
765. Donovan and Sabrina coming over for dinner and a movie.
766. Getting into a class that I need at literally the last minute.
767. Starbucks tuition reimbursement.  So thankful for this job and its amazing benefits!
768. Finishing Anne of Green Gables at Eyrie Park; such a sweet movie (though rather different from the book).
769. Beauty and the Beast with Sarah!
770. Unexpected encouragement.

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